Zambia 1853
David Livingstone, Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, 1857, Chapter 14.
The number of alligators [crocodiles] is prodigious, and in this river they are more savage than in some others. Many children are carried off annually at Sesheke and other towns …. I never could avoid shuddering on seeing my men swimming across these branches ….
Side note: [I]n the Bamangwato and Bakwain tribes, if a man is either bitten or even has had water splashed over him by the reptile’s tail, he is expelled [from] his tribe. When on the Zouga we saw one of the Bamangwato living among the Bayeiye, who had the misfortune to have been bitten and driven out of his tribe in consequence. Fearing that I would regard him with the same disgust which his countrymen profess to feel, he would not tell me the cause of his exile, but the Bayeiye informed me of it, and the scars of the teeth were visible on his thigh…. [I]f one bites a man he is expelled [from] the tribe, and obliged to take his wife and family away to the Kalahari.