Norway 1892-1907
A. Heaton Cooper, The Norwegian Fjords Painted and Described, A. & C. Black, London, 1907, p. 171.
Of the wild fowl the capercailzie is the finest, and there are found everywhere “rype” (ptarmigan), and hazel and willow grouse. The latter are without comparison the most important game in the country.
Canada, 1901
Pringle, George C. F., Tillicums of the Trail: Being Klondike Yarns Told to Canadian Soldiers Overseas by a Sourdough Padre, McClelland & Stewart Publishers, Toronto, 1922, Chapter II: Down the Yukon on a Scow.
But what surprised us most was to literally walk into numerous coveys of willow grouse. They were so unafraid that we easily knocked over a good score of them with sticks. When we got to the scows with our “poultry” our story of the tame grouse would hardly have been believed if we hadn’t been able “to deliver the goods.” [Bold added.]